The GXW crew are joined by Leanna Rae Podavin, an extremely talented make up artist for shows such as X-files, Millennium, X-Men 2 & Thirteen Ghosts (to name just a few). The group discuss the horror genre. Why do fans like to be scared? How has the genre grown over time? And which movies do we enjoy?
Also featured: "What Excites You?"
- Mark Millar "talent Search"
_ Blue Jays Baseball
- All Star Batman and Robin
- Star Wars "Epic Yarns" Children's book.
Are you a fan of the Horror Genre? Which movies do you enjoy?
5 star us and subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher or Libsyn! Visit our website at You can also hit the Amazon link if you are thinking of buying on-line. This really supports our show and doesn't cost you anything. We're saving up to make our own found footage horror movie. We just follow Bulent around with a camera while he coughs up phlegm for 8 hours.
GXW theme song by Arim Ahmet at Sound_Escape.
End song - Will Smith " Nightmare on My Street"
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***The Generation X-Wing Podcast is not associated with Lucasfilm LTD, Disney, and its opinions and conversations do not represent those of Lucasfilm LTD or Disney. Generation X-Wing Podcast is created entirely for entertainment & educational purposes only. All media resources produced by Generation X-Wing Podcast are used in Fair Use and not for profit. No Bothans were harmed in the making of this podcast.***