The GXW crew polish up their throwing stars and prepare to discuss the best Martial Arts movies out there. From Bruce Lee to Bruce Leeroy, we talk about the best fighters on the silver screen.
Also on this episode:
"What excites you?" - We talk Planet of the Apes, Of Monsters and Men, and Bloom County 2015.
You have a favorite Martial Arts movie...fighter? Let us know at:
5 star us and subscribe on iTunes, stiitcher or Libsyn! Visit our website at You can also hit the Amazon link if you are thinking of buying on-line. This really supports our show and doesn't cost you anything. We're saving up to create our own Martial Arts documentary about the secret life of Don Knotts called "The Deadliest Chops of the West"
GXW theme song by Arim Ahmet at Sound_Escape.
Ending song "Be Water My Friend" by Melody Sheep
***The Generation X-Wing Podcast is not associated with Lucasfilm LTD, Disney, and its opinions and conversations do not represent those of Lucasfilm LTD or Disney. Generation X-Wing Podcast is created entirely for entertainment & educational purposes only. All media resources produced by Generation X-Wing Podcast are used in Fair Use and not for profit. No Bothans were harmed in the making of this podcast.***